If you’re ever feeling down, bring the sunny side up. The hard times will be over easy.

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that everything changes.
Sewing plans.
As much as I try to be a well-organized person, I just can not seem to get it together. I guess that’s not a horrible thing, though, when inspiration hits and all that.

Or should I say EGGSPIRATION?!


Yes, yes I should.

I previously wrote about my Kimspiration to make this dress, and I followed through with so much eagerness, that I made two.

I learned a couple of things about myself with this dress pattern.
1.) I am DEFINITELY a waistband girl.
There is just no reasoning with a dress without a waistband. Unfortunately for me, most dress patterns lack this feature, so I have to add my own. Luckily, it’s a pretty simple thing to do. When I first started making skirts way back, there were a couple blog posts on how to insert a waistband, but I can say with absolute certainty, that the “Perfect Waistband Tutorial” from the ladies over at By Hand London was my favorite.

2.) I’m not ready to give up circle or dirndl skirts.
The Pattern featured an adoooorable tulip skirt, which I love. However, I am not ready to make a skirt that doesn’t hide my pooch belly as adequately as the former. I will get there, though. The pattern also had somewhat of a full skirt for an option, but I had bought this fabric so far in advance with no real project in mind, that I just didn’t have enough to do it.


I am also now in LOVE with invisible zippers. After about 1 or 2 tries, (who am I kidding? I’ve failed invizzy zips around 5 or 6 times), I have finally got it down. The one on the dress above was hand picked, because I was deathly afraid of my new zipper foot, and ruining the dress. Hand picking also allowed me to pull in the top of the dress a little more to control back-gape.


Blue Dress/White Dress, anyone?

I hand stitched down the lining and hem on this dress, which is crazy relaxing. Put a little Louie C.K. on the TV, pour myself a small glass of wine peach moonshine….perfect.

As if I couldn’t be any more EGGstatic, I had to make another one, and fast.
So, I popped myself on over to Joann’s to participate in their 60% off Easter fabrics sale, 2 days before Easter, and procured this sweet pastel dream:


I’m not usually one for all pastel everything, but I couldn’t help myself. If there’s one day of the year to be covered in baby colors, it’s Easter.



I made this hem a little shorter, but I’m still happy with it.


So, funny story about this wasitband. If you can’t already tell, There’s a little secret hidden. See it?
There’s a little free advertising for Joann’s any time I wear this dress. Great job, Jen. You win.
Also, pattern matching is for the birds. Nope.


Desperate to find a color that wasn’t hot pink or muslin and lured in by the giant sale sign, I wandered over into the bottomweight section and found this really pretty purple….stretch denim. Oops. It’s pretty heavy, but I like the way it makes the bodice feel more structured. I won’t do it again, simply because Florida weather.


I was brave enough to use my invisible zipper foot this time! …..For the fashion fabric, not the lining. I still hand picked that sucker, as well as the hem. This time with Maron on the TV and some water in my glass.

Side note:
I’m now obsessed with his too-old-to-be-hipster self.
Don’t judge.


Back to the dress.
I love the sweetheart neckline, they have always been my favorite.




Excuse the poor quality, as this was taken in my extremely poorly lit hallway.

Paired both dresses with Pinup Girl clothing cardigans, this one with the Ice Blue, and the other with Mint.

My search for the perfect cropped cardigan came to a grinding halt when I found these, and they come in EVERY COLOR I COULD EVER WANT. I bought those two, as well as a black. There will be more in my future.

I have so many more plans for the Kim Dress, but there may or may not be a detour to hang out with Gertie.
I can’t fangirl By Hand London all the time, right?


Side Side note:

Happy Riot Grrrl Day.
The impact that this term and way of life has had on me, starting at my formative high school years and on through my adult womanhood, is immeasurable. Kathleen Hannah and the ladies of Bikini Kill, as well as other visionaries such as Sleater-Kinney, Bratmobile, Heavens To Betsey, Babes in Toyland, etc, saved me. They have helped mold me into the strong, independent, thoughtful, and confident woman that I am today. Teaching me that there will always be obstacles, and always a way to overcome them, is definitely a lesson that I hope to share with other young women in the future. Love yourself, love other people, be happy with who you are, and who you will grow into be. I could write a dissertation on the subject, but for now I leave you with a song I have stuck in my head at least once a month.

Wisdom Teeth Lend No Knowledge

But they do offer you something!

Pain and agony. Seemingly endless pain and agony.

One day you’re eating large, full bites of the most delicious food, and yawning like a normal human being, then the next you can barely open your mouth, and feel like the only solution to your agony would be to just rip out all of your teeth and invest in dentures early.

Of course, reality eventually sets in once you are sat in the oral surgeons office, deciding how you want to present yourself while they yank teeth out of your skull, and then gleefully take all your money for it.

So, after about a week of terrible pain, not being able to open my mouth more than a quarter inch, and a quick visit to the other side of consciousness via IV drip, I am down two teeth and up a cheek bruise. WOOP.

They prescribed me pain pills to help with the horribleness, and reluctantly I’ve taken them. I like to stay away from things like that, but I could barely make it a minute without wanting to die. Since I’ve been on them, I’ve been pretty out of it, so I decided to stay away from my sewing machine, for fear of stitching my finger to something.

I’ve been pasted to the couch and it’s the worst. Not working and not doing anything was giving me cabin fever, so I decided to pick something creative up that I could do while I was here. I know I know, I knit and crochet as well, but have you tried counting rows on pain pills? Yeah it’s practically impossible.

I found my sketchbook from high school and decided I would try my hand at drawing. Which quickly turned to painting. So, after I threw away all the crap I did when Slipknot was the only band I listened to, I sat down and got to work.

ice cream (1)

I was waiting for my roommate to get her butt out of the shower so we could have ice cream and watch the new episode of Bob’s Burgers, so I decided to draw this QT.

Then I decided to futz around with paint

ice cream (8)

…….and then I dripped some paint and added a heart

ice cream (11)

The next day I put it on wood

ice cream (2)
ice cream (5)
ice cream (6)
ice cream (7)

ice cream

Once it was all over, I had the itch to do another.
I tend to do this thing, where I find something I like to do, and then I do it a lot. Constantly. I also seem to rotate creative projects, so I guess I am currently into painting. That and if I lean over my sewing table too long, my cheeks swell up into full-blown chipmunk mode.

shasta (1)
shasta (2)
shasta (8)
shasta (4)
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They’re pretty simple, but I don’t really mind. One day I hope to get a little more detailed, but for now they suit me just fine. I know exactly where they are going to go on the wall.

Note to self: I like the wood from JoAnn’s more than I like the wood from Hobby Lobby.

Sew Selfish Sunday: Sew Sweet

It is absolute NO SECRET how in love I am with my new bralette pattern.
I posted the progress with one of them last Sunday, and I was SO EXCITED to finish it and throw it up here as well, but alas, I am a big ol’ dummy and accidentally snipped a seam too close. Let’s just say it is no longer wearable, but I do have plenty of the fabric leftover, so there will be another.

Though of course, I did make another.
I was walking through the fabric shop the other day on my way out from getting some more black thread, and I saw it.
So of course I HAD to. Two yards of the sweet, soft velvet, and a yard of the floral.

The lighting in my house is absolutely awful, so I don’t take many progress photos whilst sewing at 1am.
Deal with it, I do.

Here is my new favorite Angel. Soft, stretchy, and perfectly comfortable.
I made some slight adjustments to the original pattern, by adding some inches to the underbust and back, so that it will hit closer to my waist. It’s not quite there, I could probably stand to add another inch and a half to it.
I’ve finally gotten to the point where I know exactly how much tension to have on the elastic while stitching.

Not only is the lighting not very good in my house, well, ever, but I use my phone to take my pictures. This was the best way to get a decent shot without a dress form or mannequin.

Last week I mentioned my first version of this was in a luscious hunter green velvet, and that I wouldn’t post it until I was more confident in my later versions. Well, here I am, confident as hell, willing to post the tester.
This was obviously the first time I had ever sewn with FOE, hence the slight ruffle look of the bottom. Instead of curving in, it definitely bells out. I have to admit, though, it’s pretty cute like that on.

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Looking at this picture I think two things.
1) I REALLY need a body form.
2) R.I.P. the zipper in that skirt.

I fell in love with this skirt at Forever 21, the same day I got my sewing mojo back. That, though, is a story for another post.

grand opening!

I know I don’t have a lot of followers on my blog, but I want to apologize anyway. I have been SO busy, working full time weeks as well as overtime, and crocheting up a storm to get Christmas gifts done before I run out of time. Maybe starting a blog this late in the year wasn’t really in good form, if I wanted to keep up with it on time.

Between all of this, I have found time to open myself up an Etsy shop. Drum roll please……….


I’ve actually just uploaded my newest baby ice cream:

ice cream with cherry

As well as a new Florida style Christmas palm tree:


Ch-ch-ch-check it out.

Also, a dollar from each sale will go to help the 306 Foundation. What is that you ask? Well, I will insert my post from Facebook from a month or so back.

Since I have started working with The Spice & Tea Exchange of Winter Parkand The Ancient Olive about 2 1/2 years ago, we have always sold a few products that – with 100% of the profits – helped to benefit a local foundation that helps put an end to human trafficking in Central Florida, as well as helping out at-risk women and children in the community. That foundation is the 306 Foundation. Lately, we have been lucky enough to meet and work with some of the women that are benefiting from this amazing foundation, via their Toolbox4Life program. Speaking one on one with them was both heartbreaking and inspiring. The most inspiring part about them, was that out of everything they have endured, they are crazy determined to make a better life for themselves and their children, with whom they share space with in their shelter.

Because of my position at work, I was able to extend a job offer to one of the women from the program that we had job shadow us last week. This holiday season, I would also like to help monetarily, by donating $1 from each small crocheted item sold, and $3 for any large, directly to the 306 foundation. Everything I have made and will make, is handmade individually with love and care, in a smoke free and pet free home. Brooches, patches, and ornaments are available. In addition to the things I have posted already, I am open to requests and suggestions. I hope that this picks up, because if it does, I will eventually be able to donate more per item.

If you would like to help directly, you can visit them athttp://www.306foundation.org/

COMPLETED: Get the fox outta here! basket.


It’s finished! I actually finished this last week, but I had to keep all of my million readers in suspense, of course. Or maybe I just got lazy. You choose your adventure.

The quickest parts of this entire thing, were the ears and the eyes. The ears were the most fun.

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They’re so cute and tiny. I love them so much. I thought about making another pair by themselves, and attaching them to a wire headband of some sort. IDK just spit balling over here. I’ve got a million projects in my head, maybe I shouldn’t add another one to my queue just yet.

So here it is, my sweetly adorable labor of love, wonky eyes and all:


Whatcha think? SO CUTE AMIRITE?! Just sitting over on my end table, being cute as shit and holdin’ my yarn. I also bought this mug at TJ Maxx a couple weeks ago

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Aaaaaaaaand then maybe this other one at Wal-Mart a week later

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You could maybe say I’m obsessed. If I could possess an actual fox as a pet, I would. Who wouldn’t?! Look at these faces, they just scream “CUDDLE ME!”



Sweet lil BB foxes. OK, I think I’ve used to adjectives “sweet” “cute” and “adorable” enough times for one night. Roommate and I are living on the edge tonight – we bought a white wine just because it claimed to taste like cake batter. Spoiler alert: it totally does.

Completed: My first crocheted anything

So, I know I started that Hetty Cardi, and am itching like a crazy person to finish it. BUT, I got super stuck at the underarm lace, so I put it aside for a bit. My mom always told me, that if I get frustrated and stuck, I need to set it down, walk away, and relax. I did just that. I may or may not have ended up on Pinterest.

I found this pattern for an ADORABLE fox face basket for my yarn stash. (Some of, it’s quite small). Anyway, I just had to have it! Unfortunately, it’s a *crocheted* basket for your knitting things……yeah. Thought about knitting it…..but nah. Thought I’d just teach myself how to crochet! It only took about an hour or so to learn, thanks YouTube! I started the basket, and it’s coming together really quickly. I am waiting to receive the Sugar N’ Cream Country Red yarn in the mail, because apparently, no one in this town carries that color. So, I have a half finished basket mocking me from my end table.

Decided to keep going with my crocheting mojo, so I made a flower coaster! Constantly inspired by Mollie Makes, I absolutely had to!


It’s super cute, and I plan to make a million more.